Top 10 Sales Trends for 2024

Sep 4, 2024

Sales trends change fast. To boost your sales skills, you must keep up with the changes. Would buyers prefer to talk to a salesperson or get information online and make decisions before contacting your company? How do different generations approach buying? Knowing the answers to these questions can help you improve your sales skills and sell more in 2024. This guide will explore the sales trends of 2024 and how dopplio can help you apply the right ones to boost your sales.

One of the sales trends of 2024 that we’ll cover is the growing preference for personalized interactions. We’ll also introduce you to Dopplio’s solution, which uses AI to help you create personalized video messages at scale to satisfy this trend.

Table of Contents

What are Sales Trends?

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Sales trends are observable patterns or shifts in sales activity over a specific period. Various factors, including economic conditions, technological advancements, societal changes, and industry-specific developments, can influence these patterns. Understanding and adapting to these trends is crucial for businesses to stay competitive, increase market share, and drive revenue growth. 

Why Following Sales Trends is Essential  

Staying competitive

By keeping abreast of the latest sales trends, businesses can stay ahead of their competitors. Adapting to changing market dynamics can lead to decreased market share, lost revenue, and even business failure. 

Identifying growth opportunities

Understanding emerging trends can help businesses identify new market segments or product offerings. For example, e-commerce has created significant business opportunities to expand their reach and increase sales. 

Improving customer experience: Sales trends often reflect evolving customer preferences and expectations. By staying informed, businesses can tailor their strategies to meet customer needs better. For instance, the increasing demand for personalized experiences has led to the growth of data-driven marketing and customer relationship management (CRM) tools. 

Optimizing resource allocation

Knowing which sales strategies are most effective can help businesses allocate resources more efficiently. Companies can maximize their sales efforts by focusing on trends with the highest potential return on investment (ROI)

Mitigating risks

Identifying potential challenges or disruptions early on can help businesses develop contingency plans. Understanding the impact of global economic downturns or supply chain disruptions can enable businesses to take proactive measures to protect their sales. 


To provide a more comprehensive and up-to-date analysis, let's reference some specific industry reports and studies that discuss sales trends for 2024.

Salesforce's "State of Sales" report

This annual report provides insights into the latest sales trends and best practices. Gartner's "Sales Technology Trends" report identifies emerging trends and technologies impacting the sales profession. LinkedIn's "Workplace Trends" report provides insights into how technology changes people's work, including sales. By referencing these reports, we can provide more specific examples and data to support our claims about the importance of following sales trends.

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Top 10 Sales Trends for 2024

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1. The Future is Now: AI-Powered Sales Tools Lead the Charge for 2024 Sales Trends

Many sales teams are adopting artificial intelligence (AI) to improve productivity, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance performance. AI-powered sales tools, such as chatbots, predictive analytics, and CRM platforms, can help sales teams streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance customer experiences. For example, AI can help identify and prioritize high-quality leads, saving sales teams time and effort. 

It can also analyze customer data to create targeted marketing campaigns and personalized offers. Predictive analytics can provide accurate sales forecasts, helping businesses make data-driven decisions. Finally, AI can automate routine tasks, freeing up sales reps to focus on building relationships and closing deals. According to a study by Salesforce, sales teams using AI-powered tools can increase productivity by up to 30%. 

2. Personalization: The Key to Customer Relationships in 2024

Personalization has become crucial in building strong customer relationships and driving sales. As consumers increasingly demand tailored experiences, businesses invest in technologies and strategies to deliver personalized content and offers. Key benefits of personalization include improved customer engagement, higher conversion rates, enhanced customer satisfaction, and increased customer lifetime value. Strategies for personalization include leveraging customer data, creating personalized content, offering customized promotions, and utilizing AI-powered personalization tools. 

3. Video Content is King 

Video content has become a powerful tool for engaging customers and driving sales. As consumers increasingly prefer visual content, businesses incorporate video into their sales strategies. Key benefits of video content include increased engagement, improved understanding, enhanced trust and credibility, and higher conversion rates. Statistics show that 80% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, and 93% of companies say it has helped increase customer satisfaction. 

4. Social Selling: Building Relationships with Prospects 

Social selling involves leveraging social media platforms to build relationships with potential customers, generate leads, and drive sales. Because social media plays a significant role in people's lives, businesses are increasingly adopting social selling strategies. Key benefits of social selling include building relationships, generating leads, increasing brand awareness, and providing valuable content. 

5. Sales Enablement Platforms: Streamlining Processes and Improving Productivity 

Sales enablement platforms provide sales teams with the tools and resources they need to be successful. These platforms can help streamline processes, improve collaboration, and increase sales productivity. Key benefits of sales enablement platforms include improved sales productivity, enhanced collaboration, centralized access to resources, and data-driven insights. 

6. Subscription-Based Sales Models Continue to Rise in Popularity 

Subscription-based sales models, or recurring revenue models, have gained significant popularity in recent years. These models involve customers paying a recurring fee for access to a product or service. Key benefits of subscription-based sales models include predictable revenue, increased customer loyalty, reduced customer acquisition costs, and opportunities for upselling and cross-selling. 

7. Diversity and Inclusion: Transforming Sales Teams 

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) have become increasingly important in the workplace, and sales teams are no exception. Diverse sales teams can bring various perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, leading to improved performance and innovation. Key benefits of diverse sales teams include improved customer relationships, enhanced creativity and innovation, increased employee engagement, and improved brand reputation. 

8. Conversational Marketing: Interacting with Customers in Real Time 

Conversational marketing involves using chatbots and messaging apps to interact with customers in real-time. This trend is gaining momentum as businesses seek to provide more personalized and efficient customer service. Key benefits of conversational marketing include improved customer experience, increased engagement, lead generation and qualification, and enhanced customer satisfaction. 

9. The Future is Data-Driven  

Data-driven sales insights are becoming increasingly valuable as businesses seek to make more informed decisions and optimize their sales strategies. By analyzing data from various sources, sales teams can gain a deeper understanding of their customers, identify trends, and measure the effectiveness of their efforts. Key benefits of data-driven sales insights include improved decision-making, enhanced customer understanding, optimized sales strategies, and increased efficiency. 

10. Improving Sales Productivity and Efficiency  

As businesses strive to maximize their sales efforts, there is a growing emphasis on improving sales productivity and efficiency. This involves streamlining processes, eliminating non-essential tasks, and leveraging technology to optimize sales performance. Key benefits of improved sales productivity and efficiency include increased sales revenue, higher customer satisfaction, lower costs, and improved employee morale.

How to Choose the Right Sales Trend for Your Business

person analyzing trends - sales trends

Assess Your Current Sales Performance

Before you adopt a sales trend, assess your current sales performance. This process helps you identify areas for improvement that may benefit from the new trend. 

For example, if you discover your sales team needs help closing deals, researching and implementing a sales trend, like improving the use of customer data in sales, could benefit your organization. To assess your current sales performance, analyze sales data to identify underperforming products, regions, or team members. Conduct customer surveys to gather feedback on the sales experience.

Analyze Customer Feedback

Customer feedback can help you determine what your sales strategy needs to improve. By understanding your customers' needs, pain points, and preferences, you can identify sales trends that will help you improve their experience. Gather customer insights through surveys, social media monitoring, and customer support interactions to enhance your sales process.

Review Sales Data

Sales data can reveal trends and patterns that help you identify what’s working or not in your sales strategy. Examine your sales performance to understand how factors correlate—such as product categories, customer demographics, and sales channels—to uncover actionable insights informing your decision on which sales trends to adopt.

Consider Your Target Market

Understanding your target market is essential to choosing the right sales trends for your business. Start by deeply understanding your customers’ demographics, psychographics, and buying behaviors. This information can be obtained through market research, customer surveys, and social media analytics. 

Next, identify your customers' preferences to determine what they value and what motivates them to purchase. Consider factors such as price, quality, convenience, and customer service. Finally, tailor your strategy to choose sales trends that align with your target market’s needs and preferences. For example, if your target market is highly tech-savvy, you might prioritize trends related to AI-powered sales tools or social selling.

Evaluate Your Resources and Capabilities

Implementing new sales trends often requires time, money, and expertise. Assess your resources and capabilities to ensure your organization can adopt a new sales trend. Start by evaluating your sales team’s skills to determine if they have the necessary expertise to implement new trends. This might involve conducting skills assessments or providing additional training. 

Next, consider your budget and evaluate the costs associated with adopting new sales trends to ensure they fit your budget. This includes considering the cost of new technology, training, and potential consulting fees. Finally, assess if your current technology infrastructure can support the implementation of new trends. For example, if you want to adopt AI-powered sales tools, you may need to upgrade your CRM system or invest in new software.

Stay Informed About Industry Trends

Sales trends evolve as new technologies emerge and customer preferences shift. Staying informed about the latest developments in your industry can help you identify sales trends that may impact your business. Keep up-to-date by following industry news and publications. T

His can include subscribing to industry newsletters, following relevant blogs and social media accounts, and attending industry conferences. You should also participate in industry events to network with other professionals and learn about emerging trends. Finally, leverage research reports to gain insights into sales trends. Research firms like Gartner, Forrester, and IDC often publish reports on sales trends and best practices.

Additional Tips

Start Small And Iterate

Implement select trends and gradually expand your efforts as you see results.

Measure your progress 

Track your progress and make adjustments as needed. Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of your sales strategies. 

Collaborate with your team. 

Involve your sales team in decision-making to ensure buy-in and support. 

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the right sales trends to help your business achieve its goals and stay competitive in today's rapidly evolving market.

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Sales Trend

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1. Prioritize Sales Trends Based on Impact

Sales trends will affect every business differently. Some will be more relevant to your organization than others. Start by evaluating how each trend can improve your sales processes and impact your bottom line. Then, prioritize trends that will have the most significant positive impact on your business. 

Consider each trend's potential benefits and risks, and prioritize those that align with your strategic goals. For example, if you aim to increase customer satisfaction, you might prioritize personalization and customer experience trends. If you desire to reduce costs, focus on sales automation and efficiency trends.

2. Consider Your Sales Team's Skills and Expertise

Sales trends can require new tools, technologies, and processes that may be foreign to your team. As you evaluate each trend, consider your team’s existing capabilities and how they will adapt to changes. 

Choose sales trends that align with your team’s current skills. If your team lacks experience in a particular area, you may need to provide additional training or consider hiring new talent. For example, if you want to implement AI-powered sales tools, you may need to hire a data scientist or provide AI training to your sales team.

3. Start Small and Iterate

It’s best to start small and iterate when implementing a new sales trend. Begin with a pilot program to test the effectiveness of a new trend. This will allow you to experiment and learn without risking significant resources. 

For example, you might start by implementing a new sales tool in a small group of sales reps before rolling it out to the entire team. This will allow you to troubleshoot issues and make adjustments before broader adoption.

4. Measure Your Results

Track your progress and adjust as needed to get the most out of sales trends. Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure your sales strategies' effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. For example, you might track sales revenue, customer satisfaction, and productivity metrics. Regularly measure your results to ensure that your new sales process is on track to meet your goals.

5. Collaborate With Your Team

Involve your sales team in the decision-making process to ensure buy-in and support. You can develop a shared vision and create a more effective sales strategy by working together. For example, you might hold brainstorming sessions to identify potential sales trends and discuss the pros and cons of each option. 

Remember that choosing the right sales trends is not a one-time decision. It is an ongoing process that requires continuous evaluation and adjustment. By following these tips, you can make informed decisions and optimize your sales strategy for success.

How Dopplio Can Help You Optimize the Right Trend for Your Business

man showing how AI can benefit company - sales trends

How Dopplio Helps You Personalize Cold Outreach for Sales Success

Forget generic emails or cold calls. Win your prospects with personalized video messages introducing yourself and your company. Use Dopplio to create personalized videos at scale so you can stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression.

How Dopplio Optimizes Follow-Up Messages for Engaging Leads

Sales is a numbers game, and following up on leads is critical to closing more deals. Use Dopplio to create personalized video follow-ups that nurture leads by keeping them engaged. Instead of sending tedious email reminders that turn leads off, personalized videos show you care about their needs and are committed to helping them.

How Dopplio Helps You Create Engaging Product Demos

Dopplio helps you create engaging product demos that showcase your offerings and build rapport with prospects. Instead of sending boring text-based emails or documents that outline your products or services, use personalized videos to highlight your offerings' unique features and benefits. Address any questions or concerns your prospects may have, and build trust with engaging video content.

How Dopplio Can Help You Impress New Customers

Create personalized onboarding videos that welcome new customers and make them feel valued. Use Dopplio to introduce yourself and your company, explain how to use your product or service, and offer support and resources. Personalized video outreach helps you build rapport with new customers and excite them about their purchases.

How Dopplio Can Help You Retain Customers for the Long Haul

Use personalized videos to strengthen relationships with existing customers and encourage repeat business. Send customized thank-you messages, offer exclusive discounts or promotions, or provide personalized recommendations based on their past purchases. Dopplio helps you leverage the power of customized video to build long-term relationships with your customers.

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Pitfalls to Avoid

woman sitting on a bench - sales trends

Avoid Getting in Over Your Head: Don't Overcommit to Sales Trends

Sales trends can help you improve your sales performance and help your team navigate shifting buyer preferences. But don’t dive in head first and try to implement every trend you come across at once. Instead, take your time and focus on a few key trends that will have the most significant impact on your organization. Spreading your resources and efforts across a limited number of trends will ensure that each initiative is given adequate attention and can deliver positive results. 

Don't Forget About Your Customers: Avoid Ignoring Your Audience's Needs

Sales trends can help you improve your performance and adapt to your customers' changing preferences. But as you start to follow specific trends, keep sight of your target market. While following trends can be helpful, ensuring your strategies align with your customer's expectations is essential. Avoid implementing trends that are not relevant or valuable to your customers. For example, if your target market is not highly tech-savvy, there might be better strategies than implementing AI-powered sales tools. 

Measure Twice, Cut Once: Don't Fail to Measure Results

As you start to follow sales trends, don't make assumptions about the effectiveness of your new sales strategies. Instead, track your progress and measure key performance indicators to evaluate the impact of your efforts. This will help you identify what's working and what's not so you can make adjustments as needed. 

Don't Neglect Your Team: Sales Trends Require Training and Team Buy-In

Sales trends often involve new technologies that can help you improve your performance. However, these tools won’t work unless your sales team is on board and knows how to use them. As sales trends evolve, ensure your team has the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Provide opportunities for training and development, and encourage your team to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices. 

Avoid Losing the Human Element: Sales Trends Shouldn't Eliminate Personalization

Many sales trends focus on using technology and automation to improve sales performance. While these tools can help you boost your efficiency and optimize your sales processes, don’t overlook the importance of the human element. Building strong customer relationships and providing personalized service remains crucial in today’s competitive market. 

Keep Ethics in Mind: Don't Ignore Ethical Considerations

It's vital to adhere to ethical standards and avoid unethical practices when following sales trends. For example, avoid using deceptive or manipulative tactics to persuade customers to make purchases. By avoiding these pitfalls, you can effectively implement sales trends and maximize their benefits for your business.

Get 3x Higher Reply Rates with Our Personalized Video Creator.

Dopplio is transforming personalized outreach for sales and marketing teams. We blend authentic human-made videos with AI personalization, giving you the best of both worlds - the genuine feel of real people with the scalability of technology. Our solution delivers 3x higher reply rates compared to traditional methods. With Dopplio, you can create a single charismatic video and then personalize it for thousands of leads, greeting each by name. 

Our platform allows you to generate videos in bulk, automatically voice clone and lip-sync to maintain authenticity, and integrate seamlessly with Zapier to kick off your existing workflows. Plus, we offer the option to share your personalized videos as attention-grabbing GIFs. The best part? Dopplio provides all this at just a tenth of the cost of enterprise options. So, if you're a tech sales rep or marketing agency looking to boost conversions, Dopplio offers the perfect blend of personalization, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. 

Try Dopplio and generate personalized videos at scale today!

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