20 Sales Pitch Common Objections and How to Respond

Sep 3, 2024

man working in a company - Sales Pitch Common Objections
man working in a company - Sales Pitch Common Objections

Consider you’re on a sales call, and everything seems to be going well. You’re asking the right questions, and your prospect is engaged and answering. Then, out of nowhere, they hit you with a nasty objection. Your heart sinks. It’s like the air has been sucked out of the room. You can almost hear the clock ticking as the silence stretches before you. 

Do you freeze and scramble to recover?  Or do you calmly respond with a well-practiced reply that keeps the conversation on track? Knowing how to handle sales pitch common objections is key to sales skills. This article will help you identify 20 common sales pitch objections and how to respond so you can make your sales pitches more effective, get more deals, and feel more confident on sales calls.

One way to boost your responses to sales pitch common objections is with Dopplio's personalized video solution. By recording your replies to objections in a personalized video, you can show prospects you care about their concerns and take the time to address them individually. You can even use their name in the video to make it extra personal. Then, when you send the video before the next meeting or as a follow-up to an email, it will help reduce anxiety and make your following conversation more productive.

Table of Contents

Why do Sales Objections Occur?

person presenting ideas - Sales Pitch Common Objections

Sales objections don't come from nowhere. They happen for all sorts of reasons, and it’s crucial to understand what drives them so you can respond properly when they arise. 

What Are Sales Objections? 

Sales objections are concerns, hesitations, or doubts a potential customer might have before purchasing a product or service. They are an indication that a specific reason is preventing a buyer from making a purchase. Salespeople encounter them at every stage of the sales process as discussions with decision-makers reveal more information about the customer's needs, wants, and preferences (and whether their product can meet them).

Why Do Potential Customers Have Objections? 

Customers raise objections for various reasons, even if they are genuinely interested in buying. Dealing with objections in sales is a natural stage that indicates the seller is on the right track and nearing a successful closing of the deal. Potential customers have objections for the following reasons: 

1. Budget Constraints

Reasons for the objection:

  • The prospect's budget is limited and your product is too expensive.

  • The prospect needs to see more value to justify the cost.

  • The prospect is still determining the ROI of your product. 

Step-by-step solution: 

  • Understand the prospect's budget constraints by asking questions. 

  • Highlight the value and ROI of your product in terms they care about. 

  • Offer flexible payment options or discounts to make it more affordable. 

  • Provide case studies showing how your product saves money in the long run. 

  • Be transparent about pricing from the beginning to build trust. 

2. Lack of Need 

Reasons for the objection: 

  • The prospect doesn't see a pressing need for your product. 

  • The prospect is satisfied with their current solution. 

  • The prospect needs to understand how your product solves their problems. 

Step-by-step solution: 

  • Uncover the prospect's pain points and challenges through questioning. 

  • Clearly explain how your product addresses their specific needs. 

  • Provide examples and case studies of how other customers benefited. 

  • Offer a free trial or demo to show the value firsthand. 

  • Emphasize the opportunity cost of not solving their problems. 

3. Lack of Urgency 

Reasons for the objection: 

  • The prospect doesn't see an immediate need to make a decision. 

  • The prospect is comfortable with the status quo. 

  • The prospect is still determining the consequences of inaction. 

Step-by-step solution: 

  • Understand the prospect's timeline and decision-making process. 

  • Highlight the potential risks and missed opportunities of delaying action. 

  • Provide a compelling event or deadline to create a sense of urgency. 

  • Offer an incentive for deciding within a specific timeframe. 

  • Emphasize the benefits of early adoption or first-mover advantage. 

4. Lack of Trust 

Reasons for the objection: 

  • The prospect doesn't trust your company or sales rep. 

  • The prospect has had negative experiences with similar products or companies. 

  • The prospect is still determining your ability to deliver on your promises. 

Step-by-step solution: 

  • Build rapport and establish credibility through open communication. 

  • Provide social proof in the form of testimonials, reviews, or references. 

  • Offer a guarantee or trial period to reduce the risk for the prospect. 

  • Be transparent about your product's features, limitations, and support. 

  • Follow up consistently to demonstrate your commitment to their success. 

5. Competitive Objections 

Reasons for the objection: 

  • The prospect prefers a competitor's product or service. 

  • The prospect believes a competitor offers a better value proposition. 

  • The prospect is still determining how your product compares to the competition. 

Step-by-step solution: 

  • Research your competitors and understand their strengths and weaknesses. 

  • Highlight your unique value proposition and how it differs from the competition. 

  • Provide a side-by-side comparison of key features and benefits. 

  • Emphasize your product's advantages and how they better solve the prospect's problems. 

  • Offer a competitive price match or guarantee to eliminate price as an objection. 

Mastering Objections Through Preparation 

Preparation is essential for sales success. Before they arise, map out responses to common objections so you can maintain control of the sales conversation and respond confidently. 

Importance of Preparation in Responding to Sales Objections 

Preparation is a critical component of effectively handling sales objections. When sales representatives are well-prepared, they can confidently address concerns, demonstrate their understanding of the product, and ultimately increase their chances of closing the deal. Here’s a detailed exploration of the importance of preparation, along with a step-by-step guide on preparing for objections, potential problems, and their solutions. 

Why Preparation is Important

  • Anticipates Common Objections: Sales reps can anticipate common objections by preparing in advance. This allows them to formulate responses and strategies to address these concerns effectively. 

  • Builds Confidence: Preparation instills confidence in sales representatives. Knowing they have a plan to handle objections helps them engage with prospects more effectively and assertively. 

  • Enhances Credibility: Prepared sales reps can provide informed responses demonstrating their expertise. This builds trust and credibility with potential customers, making them more likely to consider the product. 

  • Facilitates Active Listening: When reps are prepared, they can focus on listening to the prospect’s concerns rather than scrambling to respond. This leads to better engagement and understanding of the customer’s needs. 

  • Improves Relationship Building: Carefully addressing objections shows prospects that the sales rep values their concerns. This fosters a positive relationship and can lead to long-term customer loyalty. 

  • Increases Conversion Rates: By effectively handling objections, prepared sales reps can turn potential “no” responses into “yes” answers, ultimately increasing conversion rates. 

  • Enables Tailored Solutions: Preparation allows sales reps to understand the customer’s pain points and tailor their responses accordingly. This personalized approach can resonate more with prospects. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing for Sales Objections 

  • Research Common Objections: Compile a list of common objections specific to your industry or product. Use feedback from previous sales calls or consult with experienced colleagues. 

  • Develop Responses: For each objection, create a well-thought-out response. Ensure that your responses address the underlying concerns and provide solutions or alternatives. 

  • Practice Active Listening: Role-play with colleagues to practice active listening techniques. This will help you become more adept at understanding and responding to objections in real-time. 

  • Gather Supporting Materials: Prepare case studies, testimonials, and data that can support your responses. Having concrete evidence can help alleviate concerns and build trust. 

  • Stay Informed: Keep up with industry trends, competitor offerings, and product updates. This knowledge will allow you to address objections related to competition or product capabilities. 

  • Create a Cheat Sheet: Develop a quick reference guide that outlines common objections and your prepared responses. This can serve as a helpful tool during sales calls. 

  • Review and Revise: After each sales call, review the objections raised and assess the effectiveness of your responses. Based on feedback and outcomes, revise your approach as needed. 

Potential Problems and Solutions 

Problem: Lack of Familiarity with the Product: 

  • Solution: Invest time in product training and familiarize yourself with all features, benefits, and potential objections related to the product. 

Problem: Unforeseen Objections: 

  • Solution: Stay flexible and open-minded. Use the opportunity to gather information about the objection and provide a thoughtful response rather than relying solely on prepared answers. 

Problem: Difficulty in Active Listening: 

  • Solution: Practice active listening techniques, such as summarizing the prospect's words and asking clarifying questions to ensure understanding. 

Problem: Overlooking Emotional Factors: 

  • Solution: Acknowledge the emotional aspect of objections. Prepare to empathize with the prospect’s concerns and validate their feelings. 

Problem: Relying Too Heavily on Scripts: 

  • Solution: While having prepared responses is essential, avoid sounding robotic. Practice delivering responses naturally and conversationally. 

Expert Opinion 

Sales expert Jill Konrath said, “Preparation is the key to successful sales conversations. When you anticipate objections and have thoughtful responses ready, you increase your confidence and demonstrate to your prospects that you understand their needs and concerns. This approach fosters trust and can significantly improve your chances of closing the deal.”

Related Reading

Sales Pitch Examples
Sales Process
What Is B2B Sales
Sales Techniques
Entry Level Sales
Sales Funnel Stages
Sales Metrics
How to Get Into Sales

The Importance of Personalization in Sales Pitches

woman listening to carefully to a woman - Sales Pitch Common Objections

Engage Prospects with Personalization

Personalization grabs attention. Research shows that personalized messages improve open and response rates by over 100%. When recipients see that a communication is tailored specifically for them, they feel more inclined to engage with the content. Пersonalized pitches resonate more with prospects, capturing their attention and encouraging them to engage with the content. When customers feel that a message is tailored specifically for them, they are more likely to respond positively. 

Build Trust with Tailored Sales Pitches

Personalization builds trust. When prospects receive a personalized sales pitch, they notice. They can see that the salesperson has invested time and effort into understanding their unique situation. This fosters trust, as customers believe that the salesperson genuinely cares about their needs and concerns. 

Improve Relevance to Boost Sales

Personalization boosts relevance. Tailoring a sales pitch to address specific pain points or challenges the prospect faces makes the message more relevant. This relevance increases the prospect's likelihood of seeing the value in the offering. 

Differentiate from Competitors with Unique Messaging

In a crowded marketplace, personalization helps sales pitches stand out. By addressing the prospect by name and referencing their specific needs, salespeople can differentiate themselves from competitors who use generic messaging. 

Enhance the Customer Experience

A personalized approach creates a more enjoyable and meaningful customer experience. When customers feel understood and valued, they are more likely to perceive the brand positively. 

Shorten Sales Cycles with Personalization

Personalization has been shown to lead to higher conversion rates. When prospects feel a solution is designed specifically for them, they are more likely to purchase. 

Build Long-Term Relationships

Personalization lays the groundwork for building long-term relationships with customers. Salespeople can consistently address their needs and preferences and foster loyalty and repeat business.

The Importance of Personalization in Sales Pitches

Personalization in sales pitches refers to tailoring your sales approach, messaging, and content to meet the specific needs, preferences, and characteristics of individual prospects or customer segments. This strategy significantly enhances the effectiveness of sales efforts, leading to increased engagement, trust, and, ultimately, higher conversion rates.

Key Reasons Why Personalization Matters

Increased Engagement

Personalized pitches resonate more with prospects, capturing their attention and encouraging them to engage with the content. When customers feel that a message is tailored specifically for them, they are more likely to respond positively.

Building Trust and Credibility

Personalization demonstrates that the salesperson has invested time and effort into understanding the prospect's unique situation. This fosters trust, as customers believe that the salesperson genuinely cares about their needs and concerns.

Improved Relevance

Tailoring a sales pitch to address the prospect's specific pain points or challenges makes the message more relevant. This relevance increases the prospect's likelihood of seeing the value in the offering.

Differentiation from Competitors

In a crowded marketplace, personalization helps sales pitches stand out. By addressing the prospect by name and referencing their specific needs, salespeople can differentiate themselves from competitors who use generic messaging.

Enhanced Customer Experience

A personalized approach creates a more enjoyable and meaningful customer experience. When customers feel understood and valued, they are more likely to positively perceive the brand.

Higher Conversion Rates

Personalization has been shown to lead to higher conversion rates. When prospects feel that a solution is designed specifically for them, they are more likely to purchase.

Longer-Term Relationships

Personalization lays the groundwork for building long-term relationships with customers. Salespeople can consistently address their needs and preferences and foster loyalty and repeat business.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Personalization in Sales Pitches

Research Your Prospect

Gather information about the prospect’s company, industry, and specific challenges. Use tools like LinkedIn, company websites, and news articles to gain insights.

Segment Your Audience

Group prospects based on similar characteristics, such as industry, company size, or pain points. This allows for more targeted messaging.

Craft Tailored Messaging

Develop a sales pitch that addresses the prospect's specific needs and pain points. Use language that resonates with their industry and reflects their unique challenges.

Use Personalization Tokens

Incorporate personalization tokens, such as the prospect's name, company name, or recent achievements, into your emails or presentations to make the communication feel more personal.

Leverage Data and Insights

Utilize data from CRM systems to inform your pitch. Analyze past interactions, preferences, and behaviors to tailor your approach effectively.

Engage in Active Listening

Listen carefully to the prospect’s responses during the sales conversation and adjust your pitch accordingly. This shows that you value their input and are willing to adapt.

Follow Up with Personalized Communication

After the initial pitch, follow up with personalized emails or calls that reference specific points discussed during the meeting. This reinforces the relationship and keeps the conversation going.

Potential Problems and Solutions

Problem: Lack of Information:

  • Solution: Invest time in research before the pitch. Use tools like LinkedIn and industry reports to gather relevant information about the prospect.

Problem: Over-Personalization:

  • Solution: Avoid making assumptions based on limited information. Personalization should enhance the message, not overwhelm it. Focus on key points that matter most to the prospect.

Problem: Time Constraints:

  • Solution: While personalization requires time, streamline the process by creating templates that include placeholders for personalized information. This allows for quicker customization.

Problem: Generic Messaging:

  • Solution: Regularly review and update your messaging based on feedback and changing market conditions. Ensure that your personalization efforts are relevant and current.

Problem: Resistance from Sales Teams:

  • Solution: Provide training and resources to help sales teams understand the value of personalization. Share success stories and data that demonstrate its effectiveness.

Expert Opinion

Sales strategist Jill Konrath states, “Personalization is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity in today’s competitive landscape. Customers expect tailored experiences, and those salespeople who take the time to understand their prospects will stand out. Personalization not only drives engagement but also builds lasting relationships that lead to increased sales.”

Introducing Dopplio a Tool that Helps Sales Teams Create Personalized Video Responses at Scale

Dopplio is an innovative AI-powered platform that enables sales teams to create personalized video responses at scale, significantly enhancing their outreach efforts and boosting engagement with prospects. By leveraging advanced voice cloning and lip-sync technology, Dopplio allows users to record a base video and automatically generate customized versions with personalized greetings and backgrounds for each lead or customer.

Key Features of Dopplio

Personalized Videos at Scale

Dopplio streamlines creating personalized videos, allowing users to generate tailored content for multiple leads or customers simultaneously. This saves time and resources while ensuring a more personal touch in every outreach.

AI Voice Cloning

The platform employs AI to simulate the user's voice delivering personalized greetings, ensuring a seamless and natural-sounding experience for the recipient. Users can record a base video and then specify variables, such as the recipient's name, to be inserted into the final video.

Customizable Backgrounds

Dopplio allows users to customize the background of the video, choosing from a range of options or even uploading their own images. This flexibility enables the creation of visually appealing and branded videos that resonate with the target audience.

Scalable Outreach 

With Dopplio, sales teams can efficiently manage their outreach efforts by uploading a CSV file containing lead information. The platform then generates personalized videos for each lead, making it easier to engage with many prospects simultaneously.

Improved Engagement and Conversion Rates: Dopplio has been shown to boost engagement and conversion rates by providing a more personal and memorable video experience. Clients have reported up to a 5x increase in response rates compared to traditional text-based outreach.

Flexible Pricing Plans

Dopplio offers a range of pricing plans to suit the needs of different businesses, from solo professionals to large enterprises. The plans include features such as custom landing pages, password protection, and unlimited campaigns, making it accessible to organizations of all sizes.

Use Cases for Dopplio

Sales Outreach

Dopplio is particularly useful for sales teams looking to stand out in a crowded market. By creating personalized video introductions or follow-ups, sales reps can make a stronger impression and increase the chances of securing a meeting or demo.

Marketing Campaigns

Dopplio can be leveraged to create engaging video content for marketing campaigns, such as lead magnets or nurture sequences. Personalized videos can help capture potential customers' attention and drive them further down the sales funnel.

Customer Onboarding 

For businesses looking to provide a more personal onboarding experience, Dopplio can be used to create customized welcome videos for new customers. This helps build a stronger connection and sets the stage for a positive ongoing relationship.

Recruitment and HR: Dopplio can be utilized in the hiring process to create personalized video responses to job applicants. This demonstrates the company's commitment to providing a positive candidate experience and helps to attract top talent.

Top 20 Sales Pitch Common Objections and How to Respond

person in a sales meeting - Sales Pitch Common Objections

1. "It’s Too Expensive"


The prospect perceives the price as too high compared to their budget or other options. They may not fully understand the product's value or ROI.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Acknowledge the Concern: Validate their feelings about the price. 

  • Ask Questions: Inquire about their budget and what they expect regarding value. 

  • Highlight Value: Emphasize your product's unique benefits and ROI. 

  • Provide Comparisons: Compare your product with competitors to show its advantages.  

Response Strategy

Use data and testimonials to reinforce your value proposition.  

Example Response

"I understand that price is a concern. Can you share what budget you had in mind? Let me explain how our solution can save you money in the long run, based on similar clients who have seen a 30% increase in efficiency."  

2. “We Don’t Have the Budget Right Now”  


The prospect may have budget constraints. They might be prioritizing other expenses.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Inquire About Timing: Ask when their budget might be available. 

  • Discuss Financing Options: Introduce payment plans or financing options. Emphasize 

  • Long-Term Savings: Highlight how your product can reduce costs over time.  

Response Strategy

Offer to follow up when their budget situation changes.  

Example Response

“I completely understand. When do you anticipate having more budget flexibility? In the meantime, I can provide a detailed ROI analysis to help justify the investment when the time is right."  

3. “I’m Happy with My Current Provider”  


The prospect may have a long-standing relationship with their current vendor. They may not see a compelling reason to switch.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Acknowledge Loyalty: Respect their relationship with their current provider. Ask About Pain 

  • Points: Inquire if there are any areas where they feel their current solution falls short. Highlight 

  • Unique Features: Emphasize what makes your product superior.  

Response Strategy

Use Dopplio to create personalized video messages that address their specific needs and how your product can fill gaps.  

Example Response

"I appreciate your loyalty to your current provider. Can I ask if there are any challenges you've faced with them? I’d love to share a brief video that outlines how we’ve helped others in your industry overcome similar issues."  

4. “I Need to Consult with My Team”  


The prospect may need more authority to make the final decision. They want to ensure buy-in from their colleagues.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Ask Who Else is Involved: Identify the decision-makers. 

  • Offer Support: Provide materials or information to help them present your product to their team. 

  • Schedule a Follow-Up: Set a specific time to check back in after they’ve consulted their team.  

Response Strategy

Offer to join the call with their team to address questions directly.  

Example Response

"That makes sense! Who else will be involved in the decision-making process? I can provide a brief video overview or join your meeting to answer any questions your team might have.  

5. “I Don’t Think This Will Solve My Problem”  


The prospect may need to understand how your product fully addresses their specific needs. They may have tried similar solutions but have yet to succeed.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Ask for Clarification: Understand their specific problems and concerns. 

  • Provide Case Studies: Describe how your product has helped similar clients. 

  • Tailor Your Pitch: Customize your presentation to focus on their unique challenges.  

Response Strategy

Use data and testimonials to demonstrate effectiveness.  

Example Response

"I understand your skepticism. Can you tell me more about the challenges you’re facing? I’d be happy to share a case study of a client who had similar issues and saw significant improvements using our solution."  

6. “I can Get a Better Price Elsewhere”   


The prospect may have found a competitor offering a lower price. They might be looking for the best deal available.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Acknowledge the Competition: Respect their research and findings. 

  • Highlight Unique Value: Emphasize what differentiates your product from competitors. Discuss 

  • Total Cost of Ownership: Explain how your product provides better long-term value despite the initial price.  

Response Strategy

Offer to match or beat competitor pricing if possible.  

Example Response

"I appreciate you looking around! While I can’t speak for other companies, I’d love to explain how our solution offers more value in terms of features and support. Can I provide a comparison to help you see the bigger picture?"  

7. “I Don’t Have Time Right Now”  


The prospect may be busy with other priorities. They may feel overwhelmed by their current wor


Step-by-Step Guide

  • Acknowledge Their Time Constraints: Show empathy for their busy schedule. 

  • Offer a Shorter Meeting: Suggest a brief call or video message instead of a lengthy meeting. 

  • Provide Value Quickly: Focus on delivering key points that demonstrate value concisely.  

Response Strategy

Use Dopplio to send a quick, personalized video that summarizes your pitch.  

Example Response

"I completely understand that time is tight. How about I send you a quick video that summarizes the key benefits of our solution? You can watch it at your convenience!"  

8. “We’re Already Working with Another Vendor”  


The prospect may have a contractual obligation with another vendor. They may be satisfied with their current vendor’s performance.  

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Respect Their Current Relationship: Acknowledge their existing partnership. 

  • Ask About Satisfaction: Inquire if there are any areas where they feel their current vendor could improve. 

  • Position Your Solution: Highlight how your product can complement or enhance their current solution.  

Response Strategy

Offer to provide additional value that their current vendor may not offer.  

Example Response 

"That’s great to hear you have a vendor! If you don’t mind me asking, are there any areas where you wish they could do better? I’d love to share how our solution could fill those gaps."  

9. “I Need More Information”  


The prospect may need to fully understand your product or its benefits or require additional data to make a decision.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Ask What Information They Need: Clarify what specific details they are looking for. Provide 

  • Relevant Materials: Share brochures, case studies, or data sheets that address their questions. 

  • Offer a Follow-Up Meeting: Schedule a time to discuss any additional questions they may have after reviewing the materials.  

Response Strategy

Use Dopplio to create a personalized video addressing their inquiries.  

Example Response

"I’m happy to provide more information! What specific details would be most helpful for you? I can also create a quick video that addresses your questions directly."  

10. “We’re Not Ready to Make a Decision”  


The prospect may need more time to evaluate options. They may be waiting for internal approvals or discussions.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Acknowledge Their Need for Time: Respect their decision-making process. 

  • Ask About Their Timeline: Inquire when they expect to make a decision. 

  • Offer to Provide Support: Let them know you’re available to answer questions during their evaluation period.  

Response Strategy

Set a follow-up date to check their progress.  

Example Response

"I understand that making a decision takes time. When do you expect to have a clearer picture? I’d be happy to follow up then and provide any additional information you might need."  

11. “I Don’t Trust Your Company”  


The prospect may need to familiarize themselves with your brand. They may have heard negative feedback or reviews.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Acknowledge Their Concerns: Validate their feelings about trust. 

  • Provide Social Proof: Share testimonials, case studies, or reviews from satisfied customers. 

  • Offer a Guarantee: If applicable, provide a money-back guarantee or free trial to reduce perceived risk.  

Response Strategy

Highlight your company’s reputation and reliability.  

Example Response

"I completely understand your concerns. Can I share some testimonials from clients in your industry who have had positive experiences with us? We also offer a satisfaction guarantee to ensure you feel secure in your decision."  

12. “I Can’t Make a Decision Without My Boss”  


The prospect may not have the authority to finalize the purchase. They may need to consult with higher-ups before proceeding.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Ask Who the Decision-Maker Is: Identify the person who has the final say. 

  • Offer to Provide Information: Suggest sending materials that the prospect can share with their boss. 

  • Schedule a Joint Meeting: If possible, propose a meeting that includes the decision-maker.  

Response Strategy

Position yourself as a resource for both the prospect and their boss.  

Example Response

"I understand that you need to consult with your boss. Would it be helpful if I provided some materials for you to share with them? I’d also be happy to join a call to address any questions they might have."  

13. “We’re Being Downsized/Acquired”  


The prospect may be in a transitional phase that impacts their purchasing decisions. They may be unsure of their company’s future needs.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Acknowledge the Situation: Show empathy for their current circumstances. 

  • Ask About Future Plans: Inquire whether they anticipate needing your product in the future. 

  • Maintain the Relationship: Offer to stay in touch for future opportunities.  

Response Strategy

Keep the door open for future discussions.  

Example Response

"I’m sorry to hear about the changes at your company. If there’s anything I can do to support you during this transition, please let me know. I’d love to stay in touch for when you’re ready to explore solutions again."  

14. “Switching Costs Are Too High”  


The prospect may be concerned about the time and resources required to switch vendors. They might fear disruption to their current operations.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Acknowledge Their Concerns: Validate their worries about the switching process. 

  • Outline the Transition Plan: Explain how you will support them during the transition. 

  • Highlight Long-Term Benefits: Emphasize the advantages of switching to your solution.  

Response Strategy

Provide examples of successful transitions from other clients.  

Example Response

"I understand that switching can be daunting. Our dedicated team will guide you through the transition process to ensure minimal disruption. Let me share how we’ve helped other clients make the switch smoothly."  

15. “Your Product Doesn’t Fit Our Needs”  


The prospect may not see how your product aligns with their requirements. They may have misunderstood your product’s capabilities.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Ask for Specifics: Inquire about their specific needs and how they feel your product falls short. 

  • Clarify Misunderstandings: Address any misconceptions about your product’s features. 

  • Tailor Your Pitch: Adjust your presentation to highlight how your product can meet their needs.  

Response Strategy

Use data and examples to demonstrate fit.  

Example Response

"I appreciate your feedback. Can you share more about your specific needs? I’d love to clarify how our product can address those challenges effectively."  

16. “I’m Not the Right Person to Talk To”  


The prospect may not have the authority to make purchasing decisions. They may be unsure of who the appropriate contact is.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Politely Ask for Referrals: Inquire who the right person would be to discuss the product. 

  • Request an Introduction: Ask if they can introduce you to the decision-maker. 

  • Follow Up: If they provide a name, follow up promptly with the new contact.  

Response Strategy

Position yourself as a resource for the right person.  

Example Response

"Thank you for letting me know! Who would be the best person for me to speak with regarding this? If you could introduce us, I’d appreciate it."  

17.  “I Need to Think About It”  


The prospect may feel overwhelmed and need time to process information. They may be weighing multiple options.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Acknowledge Their Need for Time: Respect their decision to take time for consideration. 

  • Ask About Their Concerns: Inquire if there are specific aspects they need to think about. 

  • Set a Follow-Up Date: Agree on a time to reconnect and discuss their thoughts.  

Response Strategy

Provide additional resources they can review in the meantime.  

Example Response

"I completely understand that you need time to think. Is there anything specific you’d like to discuss further? I can follow up next week to see how you’re feeling about it."  

18. “I Don’t See the ROI”  


The prospect may need help understanding how your product will benefit them financially. They may have had previous experiences where promised ROI still needs to be delivered.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Ask About Their Metrics: Understand what metrics are important to them. 

  • Provide Case Studies: Share examples of how your product has delivered ROI for similar clients. 

  • Calculate Potential ROI: Offer a quick ROI analysis based on their specific situation.  

Response Strategy

Use Dopplio to create a personalized video that outlines potential ROI.  

Example Response

"I understand that ROI is a key concern. Can I share a quick video that outlines how we’ve helped clients achieve measurable results? I’d love to run some numbers to illustrate the potential benefits."  

19. “We’re Not Looking to Change Right Now”  


The prospect may be satisfied with their current solution and not see an immediate need for your product.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Acknowledge Their Satisfaction: Respect their current solution. 

  • Ask About Future Needs: Inquire if they foresee any changes in the future. 

  • Offer to Stay in Touch: Suggest following up periodically to check-in.  

Response Strategy

Position yourself as a resource for future needs.  

Example Response

"I completely understand that you’re not looking to change right now. If it’s okay, I’d love to check in with you in a few months to see if anything has changed. I can also send you some resources that might be helpful in the future."  

20. “I Need More Time to Evaluate”  


The prospect may want to compare multiple options and consult with others before making a decision.  

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Acknowledge Their Need for Time: Respect their desire to evaluate options. 

  • Offer Additional Resources: Provide materials that can help them in their evaluation process. 

  • Set a Follow-Up Date: Agree on a time to reconnect after they’ve had a chance to evaluate.  

Response Strategy

Use Dopplio to create a follow-up video that summarizes key points.  

Example Response

"I understand that you want to take your time to evaluate. Would it be helpful if I sent you a personalized video summarizing the key benefits? I can follow up next week to see if you have any questions." 

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The Role of Dopplio in Addressing Sales Objections

person trying to listen to Sales Pitch Common Objections

Personalized Responses Make Objection Handling More Effective 

Dopplio allows sales representatives to create personalized video messages that address specific objections raised by prospects. This personalization makes the communication feel more authentic and engaging, increasing the likelihood of a positive response. Instead of drafting a lengthy email to address a prospect's concern about price, a sales rep can create a video that acknowledges the fears and provides a tailored explanation of the product's ROI, using the prospect's name and company details to make a connection. 

Videos Are More Engaging Than Text

Videos inherently provide a more engaging medium than text-based communication. Dopplio’s videos can convey tone, emotion, and enthusiasm, often lost in written communication. For example, a video response can visually demonstrate product features while the sales rep explains how it solves the prospect's specific challenges, making the message more impactful. 

Dopplio Enables Quick Turnaround Times

In sales, timing can significantly influence a prospect's decision. Dopplio streamlines the video creation process, allowing sales teams to generate personalized content quickly. Instead of drafting a lengthy email to address objections, a sales rep can record a concise video response in minutes, ensuring the prospect receives timely information. 

Dopplio Makes Scalability Possible

Dopplio enables sales teams to create a single base video and then customize it for multiple leads, effectively addressing various objections without sacrificing quality or personalization. For instance, a sales rep can create a general video addressing common objections and then use Dopplio's features to personalize it for each prospect, changing names and specific details as needed. 

Smooth Integration Into Existing Workflows

Dopplio integrates seamlessly with platforms like Zapier, allowing sales teams to incorporate video responses into their existing workflows. This integration enhances efficiency and ensures personalized videos are part of the sales strategy. For example, a sales team can automate sending customized videos to prospects after initial outreach, ensuring consistent follow-up. 

Generating Videos at Scale 

Dopplio's platform allows users to generate many personalized videos simultaneously. This scalability is particularly beneficial for sales teams that need to reach a broad audience without compromising on the personal touch. An example could be a sales team that can upload a list of leads and generate personalized videos for each one, addressing their specific objections and needs in a fraction of the time it would take to create individual videos manually. 

Dopplio Is a Cost-Effective Solution

Compared to traditional video production, which can be time-consuming and expensive, Dopplio offers a cost-effective alternative. With pricing plans starting at $89 per month, businesses can create high-quality personalized videos without extensive resources. For instance, a small sales team can leverage Dopplio to enhance their outreach efforts without the overhead costs of hiring a video production team. 

Flexible Pricing Plans  

Dopplio offers various pricing tiers to accommodate different business sizes and needs. This flexibility allows organizations to choose a plan that aligns with their budget while still accessing powerful video personalization features. For example, a startup can begin with the basic plan to test the waters and scale up as their needs grow, ensuring they only pay for what they use. 

High Return on Investment  

Dopplio can provide a significant ROI by increasing engagement and conversion rates through personalized video responses. Businesses implementing personalized video outreach often see higher response rates and improved customer relationships. For instance, a company using Dopplio reported a 3x increase in response rates compared to traditional email outreach, demonstrating the effectiveness of personalized video in driving sales. 

Streamlined Communication 

Dopplio helps streamline communication by providing a clear and engaging medium for addressing objections. This clarity can reduce misunderstandings and foster better relationships with prospects. For example, a single personalized video can clarify concerns and present solutions instead of back-and-forth emails addressing objections, making the communication process more efficient. 

Dopplio is transforming personalized outreach for sales and marketing teams. We blend authentic human-made videos with AI personalization, giving you the best of both worlds - the genuine feel of real people with the scalability of technology. Our solution delivers 3x higher reply rates compared to traditional methods. 

With Dopplio, you can create a single charismatic video and then personalize it for thousands of leads, greeting each by name. Our platform allows you to generate videos in bulk, automatically voice clone and lip-sync to maintain authenticity, and integrate seamlessly with Zapier to kick off your existing workflows. 

Plus, we offer the option to share your personalized videos as attention-grabbing GIFs. The best part? Dopplio provides all this at just a tenth of the cost of enterprise options. So if you're a tech sales rep or marketing agency looking to boost conversions, Dopplio offers the perfect blend of personalization, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Try Dopplio and generate personalized videos at scale today!

Best Practices for Handling Sales Objections with Personalized Videos

man showing something on computer - Sales Pitch Common Objections

Identify Common Objections: Find Out What Prospects Are Thinking

Sales objections aren’t always what they seem. For instance, if a prospect says, “I need to think about it,” it could mean they aren’t convinced your solution will solve their problem. Or it could mean they don’t have the budget for your solution, and they’re looking for a way to back out of the conversation. The only way to find out what’s going on is to keep digging and ask follow-up questions to get to the root of the objection.  Review past sales conversations and note the most frequent objections prospects raise. Categorize these objections into themes, such as price, product fit, or trust. Prioritize the objections based on their frequency and impact on the sales process.

Create a Base Video: Record a Charismatic, Generic Video Addressing Sales Objections

Next, you need to record a base video that addresses common sales objections. Plan the structure and content of your base video, focusing on the most frequent objections you identified in the previous step. Then, use a tool like Dopplio to record the video, ensuring a friendly and engaging delivery. Keep the video concise, focusing on the key points you want to convey. 

Personalize the Content: Customize the Video for Each Prospect

Now it’s time to personalize your video for each prospect. Start by gathering relevant information about the prospect, such as their name, company, and specific objections. Then, use Dopplio’s AI features to personalize the video, including the prospect’s name and company details. Ensure that the personalized content directly addresses the objections raised by the prospect. 

Address Specific Objections: Tackle the Prospect’s Concerns Head-On 

In the personalized video, directly address the specific objection raised by the prospect. Start by clearly objecting. Then, provide a direct and honest response, acknowledging the prospect’s concern. Finally, use data, testimonials, and case studies to reinforce your position and demonstrate the value of your product. 

Include a Call to Action: Get the Prospect to Take the Next Step

No sales video is complete without a call to action. Determine the desired outcome of the video, such as scheduling a follow-up call or demo. Then, craft a clear and compelling call to action that invites the prospect to take the next step. Make it easy for the prospect to respond by providing a specific call-to-action, such as a link or phone number. 

Send the Video Promptly: Time Is of the Essence 

Sales cadence emails can take several days to send after a prospect objects. Meanwhile, personalized videos can be sent within a day or two. Aim to send the customized video to the prospect as soon as possible after receiving their objection. Follow up with the prospect via email or phone to gauge their reaction and ensure they received the video. Be prepared to address any additional questions or concerns the prospect may have after watching the video. 

Follow Up: Keep the Conversation Going 

After sending the video, schedule a follow-up call or meeting with the prospect to discuss their thoughts on it. Use this opportunity to address any remaining objections and move the sales process forward. If the prospect is still hesitant, consider offering a trial or demo to prove your product’s value.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs) on Sales Pitch Common Objections 

woman reviewing a sales pitch - Sales Pitch Common Objections

How can I ensure my personalized video responses don’t feel generic?

To ensure your personalized video responses feel natural, focus on incorporating specific details about the prospect, such as their name, company, and unique objections they've raised. Use a friendly and conversational tone to create a genuine connection, and tailor your message to directly address their needs and concerns. 

Incorporate relevant visuals or branding elements that resonate with the prospect's industry, and include a compelling story or case study that illustrates how your product has helped similar clients. Finally, conclude with a clear, personalized call to action that encourages the prospect to take the next step, ensuring the video feels unique and tailored to them.

Can Dopplio videos be integrated into our existing CRM?

Yes, Dopplio videos can be integrated into your existing CRM systems. Dopplio allows seamless integration with platforms like Zapier, enabling you to incorporate personalized video responses into your current workflows. This integration facilitates the automated generation of personalized videos, allowing sales teams to enhance their outreach efforts without disrupting their existing processes. Integrating Dopplio with your CRM allows you to efficiently manage leads and personalize communication, ultimately improving engagement and conversion rates.

Get 3x Higher Reply Rates with Our Personalized Video Creator

Sales pitch common objections are the reasons prospects provide for not moving forward with a purchase during a sales conversation. No matter how well your sales pitch is constructed, you will encounter objections. Some prospects will voice their concerns, while others will silently harbor objections that prevent them from buying. In either case, you must address these objections to earn their trust and close the deal. 

Different industries, products, and services will have their own unique sales pitch objections. However, most common sales objections fall under a few broad categories, including:

Price Objections

Price objections occur when a prospect feels your offering is too expensive. In many cases, the buyer isn’t questioning the actual price but the value of your solution compared to the cost. 

Trust Objections

Trust objections surface when a prospect isn’t sure they can rely on you, your company, or your product or service to deliver on promises. These objections often indicate that the lead doesn’t know enough about you or your offering, so they are hesitant to purchase. 

Product Fit Objections

Product fit objections occur when a prospect doesn’t believe your solution will adequately solve their problem. They may feel your offering is lacking in some way or that it won’t meet their unique needs. 

Timing Objections

Timing objections arise when a prospect isn’t ready to make a purchase. They may need more time to think things over or wait for a specific event to occur before they can commit.

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